Last Saturday, I spent my weekend in the mountains. I've always preferred natural wonders instead of urban and modernised places, so when Ms. Sol told me about a camping plan, I had to go. Our plans & dates were pushed due to horrible rainy weather and scrambled schedules. Luckily, we all found time during the weekend. Because it was my first time camping in...
My mum & I stopped by The Body Shop yesterday and went gaga on the scents and textures. I've always loved The Body Shop ever since I was a little girl. Their ranges and collections are to die for especially if you have icky dry skin like me. Before 2016 ends, I want to be fully-contented with my skin and that's why I'm...
Hello, folks! Three days ago, Lush (my guinea pig) passed away and it broke my heart. I still couldn't believe she's gone. She was my only raw vegan friend who happily made UFO noises every single time she'd hear the fridge open. Lush loved cucumbers so much that sometimes I think we overfed her with them until she got sickly. Lesson learned, I...
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