
A Sixteen-year Old Phoneless Girl

7:14 PM

christmas pajamas
I have been living the past couple of days without a phone. As I cheered for my team during sportsfest, a little somebody decided to pick my phone up and left everybody else's. I know right, crisis and you're probably wondering as to why I am quite light-hearted about it. But don't get me wrong, I was devastated considering that I only got hold of my rose gold iPhone for about three months. If you know me personally, I always had my phone on my hand or in my pocket at least. I took photographs with it daily to continue my photo diary; I shot videos of travels; I jotted down every idea that popped in my head, but now it's all gone. There's no way to track it and it's currently under investigation thanks to Neil (hi, neil). At first, it's as if I lost every memory and I did not know what to do, and then I looked at promising hand. Without my phone, I can make full use of my camera and Polaroid. That continues on to better content for my blog. And Instagram and Snapchat? who needs to know about what I am doing every minute of the day? Maybe this is a good thing.
But wait, what in the world should I be doing without a phone whilst waiting awkwardly or what can I fidget with when a random stranger approaches me or how can I conveniently list things down? Simple, keep it old school. Basically, here's what I have been bringing around lately.

1. A small notepad / Planner

lists.lists.lists. That's what I am made up of and it keeps my creative energy flowing. As much as I hate to admit, I've got my entire future listed down in bullet-form and the fact that I no longer have my phone takes me twice as long to record a thought. However, manually writing lists aids my memory. This planner is from Moleskine and I'm not quite sure if I've shown this to you before.

2. A novel or anything to read

If you're an introvert like I am or you generally just dislike approaching strangers, here's something to keep you entertained. Now, you're probably thinking that it's such a boring source of entertainment, but really nothing else can suck you into a different universe. This book that I am currently reading is Hello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between by Jennifer E. Smith and I've been loving it a lot so far. Again, credits to Neil.

3. Camera

I've been shooting better quality photographs now. I always used to depend on my handy-dandy iPhone's quality and although those pixels are great, nothing can beat a good lens. On the downside, you can't take as much photos, but quality over quantity right?

I kind of expected this to be longer, but turns out that it's pretty simple. Without my phone, I am more productive and determined in learning about God and life. I'm a little bit better than before.

Lots of love, Regina

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  1. omg i love this post! what kind of camera is that? x

  2. I've never lost a phone since I was a kid and even though I might always have my phone with me, I don't use it that much. I would just use it to update my whereabouts to my mom and boyfie or simply, communication and a little bit of photography. I could even go out the house for the whole day not bringing my phone with me and there were also summer classes when I was in my freshman wherein I would just arrive school and just say, "fuck, i forgot my phone again." hahaha :) Sometimes life is really good without it and we get to appreciate it more if we detach ourselves with gadgets specifically a phone. You get to appreciate more of the people you're talking to face to face and get to sense the printed word with our five senses. Yay! :)

    Augustin Ra | Indie Spirit


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