
A Sunday Crafternoon | 05.15.16

5:28 AM

Café Caw hosted the one-day crafting workshop with the theme #makesummerhappier.
Sam Despi on painting illustrations and finding your own art style.

Neil won the flowercrown-making contest and won a cactus!

Hello, friends! Yesterday afternoon was pretty productive. In fact, probably the most I've been productive in the past few weeks. I decided to join a Summer crafting workshop at a tiny café for 1200 php. And boy oh boy, let me tell you, it was worth it. We were a class of thirty craft-enthusiasts including my brother, Tristan, who I forced to come along despite it being quite girly. My friend, Neil, also came along. The class had a duration of 5 hours and time swished by so quickly to be honest. The afternoon was divided into three types of crafts.

We started off with Gizelle's flower crown making and although I was with two boys and as much as I'd hate to admit , I wasn't as good as them! I never knew that flower crown-making could be therapeutic yet difficult to perfect at the same time. We were all given individual kits of faux flowers, floral tape, scissors, and floral wire too!

Moving on, the second part of the crafternoon was my favourite part: painting illustrations. I'm a lover of different types of illustrations and Sam Despi was a very fun mentor. She spoke about finding your own art style and I'm glad I have my own. Sam makes one of the best illustrations in my opinion. YOU HAVE TO CHECK OUT HER WORK HERE. We started off with cups of acrylic, a paint brush, a pencil, and a plain notebook to design with our own illustrations. I decided to make a little fruit/tropical one with miniature humans playing around. However, we were all so caught up on creating something great that we ran out of time. I still have to continue mine!

The third and last thing was probably the most difficult one for me and that is rubber stamp carving. Don't get me wrong, it's a really fun craft to do and Neil and Stan ended up making really cool ones from camels to bikinis. I just happened to take more time in getting used to it. The Bored & Crafty handled the ship and gave us a few materials including a cutting mat, a cutter, and rubber erasers. In the end, I ended up with two stamps: a fat stegosaurus & a minimalist chevron (which I don't have photos of soz)!

Overall, it was an afternoon packed with delight and a bigger love for crafting. Café Caw also has amazing service and generously gave each student an iced americano and sweet treats. I highly suggest you pay them a visit! 

Café Caw
FLC Center, Hernan Cortes St, Mandaue City, 6000 Cebu

I've made a twitter by the way and it's @paperhobbit if you'd like to follow.

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  1. I just stumbled across your blog and it's so cute! This seems like such a fun afternoon, wish we had something like this where I'm from. :)

    Stella xx

  2. This sounds and looks like fun. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself :)


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