
A Christmas Wishlist

12:59 AM

'Tis the season to be jolly *fa la la la la la la la la*! December is my favourite month of all time and I am still overwhelmed by how quickly the year has gone. But nevertheless, Christmas is here! It's a time of happiness & sharing the love, and I think that it makes this gloomy & crappy weather fascinating. Whilst listening to my Christmas playlist (that has been on repeat since the beginning of November), I decided to create a wish list. I haven't done a blog post about wish lists in the past and I thought that it would be fun to share my list with you. Also, this post isn't necessarily things that I want from people, but things that hopefully will find its way to me very soon. I hope that my list inspires you to create your own.

  1. A 2017 filled with a heap of memories! This is probably coming off as a cliché, but I genuinely mean it when I say that I want 17th year on earth to be memorable. I pray for it to be productive and spent with the people I love the most.
  2. A new camera. I've had my staple Fujifilm X-m1 for a solid 3 years now and as much as I love it, I'd want a camera with more options in terms of lenses. But really though, I'm contented with what I'm working with, but I feel like a better camera with a better lens can enable me to produce better content.
  3. A new ukulele.  I love music. Wow, that made me sound like one of those angsty twelve-year olds. My 4 year old ukulele is yet another thing to be upgraded. With a hole on its bottom (I've band-aided it), I think it's time for some fresher wood.
  4. Lastly, #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso. I have been wanting to read this book for over a month now. I've seen it all over Instagram, but mostly because Sophia Amoruso is a legend. I could easily purchase this book from a local bookstore. However, I am placing it in this wish list to remind me that I need some sort of self-development / inspirational text to boost me up for the new year.

And that is it. Obviously, I have more but they're a bunch of cheesy stuff. Also, I'm hoping that this new template isn't too tacky. I mayyyy have gone overboard with the Christmas colours, but I promise that they'd be back to the norms once the holidays are over.

'Till next time,
Reg x

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  1. Hi Regina!! First of all I COMPLETELY LOVE the whole festive look of your blog and it's almost christmas hart hart, it gives off a fresh vibrant feeling in contrast to your usual fancy looking one (i don't hate the old one tho) but seeing your wishlist also makes me want to make one because tbh i rarely ever do and also a playlist bc music haha. I hope the things you're looking for find their way to you soon :))

    That's a really cute rilakkuma pen btw okay byee

  2. This is such a cute little list!


  3. These are all great things to want for Christmas! It's so cool that you play the ukulele ♥
    I love the new template! You can never go to overboard for the festive season :)
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  4. I want your handwriting for Christmas! Ugh, how do you DO that? Haha it's lovely xo



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