In beauty,

Festive Make Up Routine

Happy Holidays, people of the blogosphere! Today, I've finally gathered up my confidence to show you guys a make up look / routine. Because it's December and I am feeling oh-so festive despite it being exams week, I'll be sharing my festive make up routine. Gold eyes & A red lippie is the way to go for me! So without further ado, here...

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In thoughts,

A Christmas Wishlist

'Tis the season to be jolly *fa la la la la la la la la*! December is my favourite month of all time and I am still overwhelmed by how quickly the year has gone. But nevertheless, Christmas is here! It's a time of happiness & sharing the love, and I think that it makes this gloomy & crappy weather fascinating. Whilst listening...

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In food,

Apple Cinnamon Cupcakes!

It's December the first and I am feeling as festive as ever! I (might) be doing blogmas this year and I am so flipping hyped you guys. Today, I finally have another baking recipe for you and I cannot wait for you guys to try this out. It tastes delicious with its delicate cream cheese frosting and textured cupcake! Apples and cinnamon definitely...

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In beauty,

November Favourites!

Hello everybody! After a one month long hiatus, I am back and I am so ready for the holidays and festive blogposts. But before that, here is a monthly favourites! I actually skipped October on purpose mainly because I didn't want to show you guys products that I haven't really been genuinely loving. Lucky for me, November treated me with goodies. It feels like...

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In beauty, lifestyle

Unwinding & Anti-Anxiety Notes

After 500 years, guess who's back in the internet? August & September have been hectic months for me. With me running for student council, managing my paperworks & projects, and hanging on to my midterms, I guess you could say that my tiny body is now drained. For the past few days, I have been doing a cheeky little routine at night in...

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In beauty,

Current Beauty Favourites!

Long time no blogpost! I thought that it would be time to finally update my blog after a one-month-ish hiatus. School has been going on for two weeks or so and I'm already bombarded with a heap of projects. But that shouldn't stop me from doing what I love which is to chat you guys through the things I find interesting. Also, I...

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In places,

First Time Camping | Mt. Naupa

Last Saturday, I spent my weekend in the mountains. I've always preferred natural wonders instead of urban and modernised places, so when Ms. Sol told me about a camping plan, I had to go. Our plans & dates were pushed due to horrible rainy weather and scrambled schedules. Luckily, we all found time during the weekend. Because it was my first time camping in...

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In beauty,

Little The Body Shop Haul

My mum & I stopped by The Body Shop yesterday and went gaga on the scents and textures.  I've always loved The Body Shop ever since I was a little girl. Their ranges and collections are to die for especially if you have icky dry skin like me. Before 2016 ends, I want to be fully-contented with my skin and that's why I'm...

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In food,

Cucumber Spinach Noodles (Vegan)

Hello, folks! Three days ago, Lush (my guinea pig) passed away and it broke my heart. I still couldn't believe she's gone. She was my only raw vegan friend who happily made UFO noises every single time she'd hear the fridge open. Lush loved cucumbers so much that sometimes I think we overfed her with them until she got sickly. Lesson learned, I...

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In lifestyle, thoughts

Let's Talk: Why Pescetarian?

Today, I will be tackling a topic that most people ask me about: Why are you a pescetarian and how do you do it? This month last year, I made a massive change in my diet. I chose to become a pescetarian! If you don't know what a pescetarian is, kindly click here. In this post, I'll go over what I eat on...

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In food,

Blueberry Quinoa Bars

Hello, friend! Earlier this morning, I came up with a super quick & healthy recipe for you. As I am  slowly cutting off direct dairy from my lifestyle, I had to find a way to keep baking minus the animal-cruelty. Surprise, surprise; eggs and butter don't just come from the supermarket. My eyes have only opened up to vegan treats now, thanks to Pinterest,...

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In beauty, lifestyle

April & May Favourites

I am pretty rubbish when it comes to keeping up with my monthly favourites, not gonna lie. But today, I am back at last with a favourites post for both April and May. Because it is Summer and I try to minimize my makeup when I am on holiday, I don't have a lot of beauty products in this post. However, I have...

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